Month: October 2017

“Mod AF” outfit

I wanted to look like Patti Smith, the iconic OG punk rocker poet from the 1970s, as pictured (in a photo by her BFF Robert Mapplethorpe, no less) on the album on my record player. But apparently, upon internet image searching, I look more like Pattie Boyd, the iconic 1960s model who was the first wife of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton. (Way to nail it, girl.) At least I’m still mod AF (as fuck) or AP (as Patti(e). vintage Liz Claiborne hot pink mod dress – $6.95, Idaho Youth Ranch | Frye ‘Sacha Moto’ black leather shooties – $100 (MSRP: $278), Bombshell Salon‘s Head to Boots Fall Make-Up Event («the next one is THIS SATURDAY, and it’s a bad-ass party to celebrate the 5th b-day of Bombshell Salon. Come! Get cheap-ass new Frye Boots!) Cheep it like a groupie.

“Snake in the grass” outfit

You boys that pick flowers, and strawberries, near the ground, run away from here, a cold snake lurks in the grass. — Virgil, The Eclogues I went to Craters of the Moon with Ryan last week, a surreal landscape shaped from slithering lava rising out of “the Great Rift,” now a vast stretch of scaly encrusted black. Right now I’m watching the news on the mass shooting in Las Vegas. What will stop this firepower? And what sort of warped country will it leave in its wake? BCBG Generation black & tan snake-print flap dress with built-in black spandex miniskirt – $8.95, Idaho Youth Ranch thrift store | Frye ‘Sacha Moto’ black leather shooties – $100 (MSRP: $278), Bombshell Salon‘s Head to Boots Fall Make-Up Event («the next one is THIS SATURDAY, and it’s a bad-ass party to celebrate the 5th b-day of Bombshell Salon, come! Get cheap-ass new Frye Boots!)Ryan marvels at the oddity of native Idaho creatures. Featuring, at upper right, the real moon. Cheep it up to the moon and back.